Friday, September 6, 2013

Dogon World Building

Greetings and TGIF. I woke up this morning determined to become more active with my readers. I promised myself that I'll try to post here at least twice a week.

Sometimes it's even hard for me to imagine, but I have several fans who love Fox, Ife, the Dogon Hunters, and their families and lovers almost as much as me. My long-time friend, Ann comes to mind immediately, but some women that I don't know personally have contacted me with their pledges of unwavering love as well.

I can certainly understand it there are several series that I love almost as much as my own. Two of my favorites are wonderful world builders and that's a writing trait I greatly admire.

From what I've read of Nalini Singh's Psy/Changeling Series she could teach classes in seamlessly inserting vital details. Anna Zaires only has three novels in her Krinar series, but I'm just as impressed with her ability to make a very different Earth seem normal, without the over-explaining that can distract from the story.

Today I just wanted to take a moment to elaborate on something of which I've been asked repeatedly--the chameleon skin effect of my Dogon Hunters. Chameleon is a misleading description because the Hunters do not change with the speed that many associate with the lizard, although they don't change immediately either.

I picture their changing skin to be more like that of a person slowly building a tan. Dogon Hunters' skin will slowly move toward the color of the people around them. Since the world is as diverse as it is, they would rarely be found in an area with just one skin colored population, but if assigned to, say, Norway from Nigeria I imagine it would take several years before the Hunter would appear mixed race.

Unless retired, they would never stay in an area long enough to become as white as a native and, if they're retired and mated, the process stops. I never pictured it as a big part of who the Hunters are, but it has taken on a life of its own.

I hope that clears up more questions than it creates.

I expect to published SCENTED MAGIC very soon. I can't wait to hear from my Sorors about this novel. Two of the main characters are members of DELTA SIGMA THETA.

Until then,


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